I have always leaned with great relief into the first part of this verse without really seeing the last part of it. “I WILL BE EXALTED among the nations, I WILL BE EXALTED in the earth.” Right now I am clinging to THAT part of Your declaration, God! Our world seems to be going “to hell in a hand basket” with lightening speed… not very “exalting” of You Lord. News packed with riots, violence, and spewed words of hatred. Viruses still on the loose, morphing as quickly as we vaccinate them. Technology that is boomeranging around to whack us in our cocky arrogance as we lose our privacy to its power. Feeling somewhat safe in my cloistered little neighborhood only to read daily of accounts of break-ins, thefts, and senseless vandalism even here. Constant phone calls and emails that stink of scams threaten even my inner sanctuary of home. Add to that words of loved ones shrugging You off as “back-burner” irrelevance in their lives and I am despondent. Not much “exalting” going on there either. Makes it hard to fight this cancer when I feel so bleak about the world in which I am battling to stay alive. Heaven is looking better every day. So Your decree that You “will be exalted among the nations,” (no matter what Tower of Babel’s we construct to tell You otherwise), is my life raft right now. A friend sent me this song, “The Blessing” (https://youtu.be/y9EK8dAXl6I) sung by Believers ALL OVER THE WORLD, and I am sucking in huge gasps of oxygen as the waves of hope wash away my tears of despair. Exalting IS happening! And will continue to happen “to our children, and their children”…. because YOU ARE GOD! YOU WILL BE EXALTED! Quiet my quivering heart with that refreshing Truth.