Well Roo must be earning his keep! He has successfully kept the deer from pruning our miniature Korean lilac bushes into bloomless nubs! Blossoms everywhere! And the perfume they are emitting is nothing short of intoxicating! Ed and I are especially enjoying their scent in the evenings as we snuggle up under the cabana by the waterfall and drink our fill of the fragrance! Funny, but when we take vacations, even to exotic places, I find myself missing the simple joys of our backyard. Cool Colorado evening breezes. Mesmerizing fire pit. Cricket symphonies complete with bullfrog percussion. And now inebriating lilac aromas. As John Denver crooned… ”You fill up my senses!”
As my shell-shocked self battles off this dull lethargy from the latest chemo, I feel so embraced by all these pampered senses! Thank You God for these simple joys! They are gifts of healing from You!