Reflections 11/23/2020: John Muir was definitely on to something real! I think we all have experienced this “losing our mind and feeding our soul” phenomenon in the beauty of nature. What a gift of peace and restoration it brings! Probably why Central Park in Manhattan, the most expensive real estate in the world, has kept 843 acres of wooded wonderland. Needed sanity in the midst of city chaos! How I love leaving civilization to embrace Your wilderness for renewal, Lord. Recently, as I was experiencing such a “mind losing-soul feeding” jaunt along a lovely mountain trail, I found myself talking to You. I was glad I had more than just an appreciation of Your Creatorship to stimulate this conversation. Hmmm… what do I mean by that? Let’s see. A conversation more informed by a deeper knowledge of YOU, the Artist behind the art. Reading Your biography in Your Word that gives me an intimate insight into WHO You are. Hours spent discussing with You, (even arguing at times), about life’s greatest issues. Contemplating how Jesus, (Your Presence captured in human flesh coming to earth), uniquely reveals Your incredible love for us! Sensing Your indwelling Spirit within me making divine connections with You that I couldn’t muster up on my own! Complete “soul feeding!” But in some respects, not a complete “loss of mind.” My mind feels very energetically engaged! “Mind-full-ness” takes on whole new meaning! So “Into the forest I go, to spark my mind and feed my soul!”
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