Reflections 2/1/2020: Guess where I am this morning! That’s right… the hospital.🤕Yesterday I finally gave up the ghost in the morning and surrendered to the inevitable… the ER room. Between hurting like a mother (where did that phrase originate?!) and getting the test results back from my gall bladder scan (0% function), I crumpled into sobs of despair. My gastroenterologist commanded me to go the the ER! So I did, with Ed. What a trooper he was weathering a HUGE amount of waiting between 2 ultrasounds, 2 catscans, blood draws and pacing until 8:00 pm for a hospital bed to open up. “In sickness and in health!” Yep, that’s my man! Probably gall bladder removal today, but they are baffled with the amount of fluid and how thick the sheath has become that covers my front torso (I wasn’t kidding about feeling 8 months pregnant), so more tests today including a gigantic needle jammed into my belly to drain my whole abdominal area! The fluids will tell them a lot. My spirits? At least hopeful now that professionals are in control… and relief is on the horizon! God, direct their head and hands today as You use them as Your instruments of healing! And belly begone! You have hijacked my body for way too long!