Reflections 2/10/2020: There is something about Superman’s X-ray vision that has always unsettled me! Kinda felt like he could be the consummate voyeur and never get caught! Lois Lane could have spearheaded the “Me Too” movement! Today I have to subject myself to a similar intrusive stare… a radioactive PET scan. Penetrating eyes scouring my body for any signs of cancer that have spread. As thankful as I am for this incredibly helpful technology, it kind of creeps me out that’s I must become radioactive in order to communicate with this machine! Radiation is something we are taught to avoid… or weird abnormalities can occur. Just ask The Fly, or Spider-Man! But here I am signing up willingly for the nuclear ordeal! Guess there are just times you just have to move forward in faith. God, if I get some strange mutation from this scan, please no insect parts! Stick with mammals or birds! There is at least something lovable about them! So, here we go God on our sight-seeing trip to Chernobyl!
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