Reflections 7/2/2020: Well, at my chemotherapy infusion yesterday I discovered that my immune system has fallen to a dangerous low. Ratso!! Despite all my good eating, expensive supplements and even pounding my body with oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber, my white blood cells are being battered by the poisonous chemicals from this abrasive cancer treatment. I am scheduled to have a contrast cat scan next Tuesday to determine if we got all the bad guys out of my body. My insurance is squawking at the expense of my last scheduled round of chemo treatments, so the good news is if the cat scan looks clean, I may be able to ditch that last month of chemotherapy! Which would mean that yesterday was my last one!!! Given my failing immune system, that would be a great thing for my body! I could start the trek back to normalcy! Goodbye nausea! Hello hair!! Eyebrows and eyelashes!! And as my immune system recovers, thrift store shopping again!! (Does life get any better than that!!) Sooo, prayers for this upcoming cat scan… may it be my “get out of jail” card in this crazy game of Monopoly!