Reflections 7/20/2020: Well yesterday was the start of my 10-9-8-7-6…. countdown to the end of chemo! My last poison infusion is scheduled for July 29th! My tumor markers slid down into the single digits (our goal!!), and my immune system beefed up into the low-normal range! Hallelujah! Last week’s double dose has me spinning a bit, but that was the final one of those, so hopefully it will be a cake walk from here on out! What an arduous journey this has been Lord! So many ups and downs. A friend asked me how it has gone thus far and I answered, “God has been sooo good to me through it all.” Inquisitively she asked, “how so?” That forced my mind into specific mode. Let’s see…

•PEACEFULNESS. Relinquishing both the process and the final outcome into Your capable hands. “Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.”

•WITH-NESS. Experiencing firsthand Your moment-to-moment companionship that listens to my groanings, strengthens me when I am weak, and holds me close when I feel alone.

•BODY-SNATCHING. Commandeering human bodies to become vessels of Your love for me! I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of caring compassion from sooo many friends! Temples of Your Holy Spirit creating a sanctuary of support. You even body-snatched a puppy for Your joy-infusing service!

I could go on and on, but these specifics are what come to mind first. Thank You God! Homestretch! Dig deep Lynette and finish strong!