Reflections 5/2/2020: Well, Saturday (I think it’s Saturday!)🧐finds me still hospitalized! 💩hadn’t happened yet, and the doc wasn’t convinced that my bowels had come back to life after surgery. So release from the hospital has become contingent upon producing something brown in the toilet bowl! (It is a weird reality that I’m not goin’ anywhere ‘til I ante up this suddenly ‘desirable’ substance!) Haven’t felt that kind of potty pressure since toilet training years ago! So we all attacked the sleepy kidneys with a full Monty… colace, miralax, prune juice and strutting my stuff down the hospital hallways in hopes of releasing gas and solids! (The very things you try to avoid in polite society! I guess “success” is a subjective target!) So when my awakening bowels anted up yesterday, I howled with the nurses and shouted “shit has happened!” (Felt freeing to be such a rebel!) So today will be highlighted by clicking my ruby red slippers and proclaiming, “There’s no place like home!” Magic happens too, and right now a magical transport to my own home feels like Kansas to me!