Reflections 5/4/2020: Sooo cute! I grew up with jacks instead of Legos!   I’m sure they drafted game plans for their attack on our bare feet as well! Now THAT’S a harsh podiatry find in the carpet! But back to my original intent. I kinda pictured the cancer cells in my body being this strategic and conniving! Conjuring up plans for their welfare and my demise. Sooo, if I’d stop moaning over post-surgery pain from the battlefield, I’d be “raising a Hallelujah“ to their TOTAL ANNIHILATION!!! Gonesville! Eradicated! Scheming no more! Gee, I feel lighter already just picturing their decimation and removal! Sorry God for my pity-pain party! Especially since the spots that hurt the most are probably the sites of the bloodiest battles! (which we won!) My short-sighted pain monitor blocked me from seeing the great grounds for celebration!! Cancer free? We shall see… but at least we shut down their evil plans for now! THAT’S a victory worth ticker-taping down Main Street!