Round 4 infusion today. Ahhhh!!! Gotta psyche myself up for this invasion of toxins. And I think that has to start with deciding not to see them as “toxins.” That is the WRONG way to look at this whole process. I need to conceptualize it as an ammunition resupply… a beefing up of my troops to battle the cancer cells. A good thing. More fire power! Sure, there is some “friendly fire” that takes place in this battle, but collateral damage is to be expected in any military skirmish. I also see a cardiologist today to determine if friendly fire zapped my heart in this assault thus far. I seemed to have stamped out the fire of my flaming, high blood pressure (now only in the 140’s instead of 190’s ), but my heart is still racing way above normal. And thank You Lord that my kidneys are holding their own despite major casualties! Soooo God, lock and load this new ammo! And in the famous words of Douglas MacArthur, “We are not retreating – we are advancing in another direction.”