Reflections 8/28/2020: Well someone just lost freedom privileges! Got a little too big for his britches… or in his case, his GoGo boots! Started disrespecting the (permeable) fence boundary in our backyard to socialize at will with other dogs striding by. (Which backs up to a street with many a speeding car flying by). I can tell he knows he is doing something wrong, but is choosing his own will over pleasing us. Thus the restraining cable. 30 feet long so as to give him some range of motion, but short enough to keep him out of trouble. I’m sure Roo just perceives it as punishment born of our determination to CONTROL him, not a loving measure to keep him SAFE. Not so different from how we view Your guide-lines for life, Lord. “How dare You tell me how to live! I want to do it MY way! (Hear Frank Sinatra in the background 🎶). You are just a killjoy!” But maybe, just maybe, God’s guide-lines are there for our safety. A restraint born of love for us… and even more importantly, a tried and true knowledge of what makes for the most meaningful life! Especially since You were the Architect of life in the first place! Your restraining cable is our conscience, which may or may not be attached to a solid base, so our wrecks with speeding cars happen way too often. Today is my 51st spiritual birthday… 51 years of rediscovering that Your guide-lines are love-lines that carve out the best range of abundant living possible!