Reflections 7/27/2020: That “aging ain’t for sissies” adage ain’t funny! Yesterday I executed my daily total body stretching regime that I’ve used for 25 years and managed to wrench something in my non-knee replacement knee. Dang! Feels like a meniscus tear. Just what I need when I’m bald, feeble and bent over with digestive distress from the homestretch of chemo. Hobbling around unbalanced in body and brain, I feel like Walter Brennan in “The Real McCoys!” Limpy, gimpy and grouchy! (Well, grouchy can be a choice… but the other two are not!) Dang! OK God, I don’t want a 2nd knee replacement… especially not now when all my healing resources need to be directed toward keeping the cancer at bay. So let’s go with a quick fix on this baby… I need my knee to work! I can’t resort to my ONLY sanity escapes from quarantine, biking and hiking, if my knee is squawking! Well, one day at a time. Putting this in Your hands, Great Physician. Whatever my mobility ends up being, like the Black Knight in Monte Python who continues to battle despite having his arms and legs hacked off, I will head-butt my way back to health! “It’s just a flesh wound!”