Reflections 10/3/2020: This time last year, Bryn and I were under siege from an outside force. Someone who, bafflingly, was out to hurt us! Still can’t figure out what the end game was, but there are people in this world who just get off on feeling powerful in their ability to wreck havoc on something pure and beautiful. Kind of like Joseph’s brothers in their hatred of him for his closeness to their father. Tried to kill him, then threw him in a pit and sold him into slavery. Their own brother! From pit to prison to a position of power in Your redemptive plan, Lord! Good, even great things coming from evil intent! So this picture from our trip to Durango captures the essence of the Joseph story. Forgiveness. Reconciliation. Restoration! Famous words… “You meant it for evil, but God used it for good!” Thank You God that Bryn and my deeply rooted love relationship that was able to weather the storm of lies, deceit, and destructive intent from this duplicitous person! Satan does “prowl around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour!” BUT You are infinitely stronger! And Your love prevails!
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