Reflections 9/15/2020: Roo is discovering that life on a long rope can be tricky. He loves the freedom of going where he wants on the way out, but soon discovers his free range roving has gotten him into a stuck place! He has threaded his explorative body through chair legs, around trees, under tables and has expended his range of motion to nothingness! Trapped like a rat! (A bit like the prodigal son’s hedonistic, pig pen epiphany!) So we are trying to teach him how to retrace his steps to undo what he has done! (A difficult concept to grasp, even for us humans!) Reminds me of Steps 4-9 in AA’s 12-Step program for recovery. Own our stuckness. Take inventory of our wrongs, and retrace our hurtful actions/relationships to make them right. Unwind our tangled lives. And You, God, are a vital part of that untangling process! Step by step retracing… relationships restored… freedoms recovered! May Roo and I both learn these valuable, extricating life lessons!
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