Reflections 9/18/2020: One of highlights of my youth was the monthly arrival of “Mad” magazine! With 6 kids all scrambling to read it at the same time, it became an extremely valuable commodity! I LOVED “the lighter side of…” parody (though at the time I was clueless of what a parody was!). All I knew is that I laughed my guts out at every issue! This “Spy vs. Spy” cartoon often got my head spinning. I wanted to cheer for the guy in the white, but he was just as devious and sinister as the one in the black! Truth and justice became confusingly obscured in their equally diabolical efforts to destroy each other. Just realized I feel a lot that same way in this politically polarized election season. Perfunctory public handshakes while privately scheming when to launch their next destructive bomb! Misinformation! Distortion! Out and out fake news! From both sides. Confusing… God, I need Your help to navigate these bomb-ladened mine fields! Inoculate my ears to rage-infused rhetoric so I can sort out truth from fallacy. Install a BS meter in my brain to ferret out, well, BS! Clarify my own values so I have a solid foundation on which to base quality decisions. And thank you, Alfred E. Newman for teaching me early on that black and white are not nearly as clear cut as we’d like them to be!