I must confess, I buckled to my craving for fast food the other day. Tried to go a little healthier with Chick-fil-a or Arby’s, but both drive-through lines wrapped at least once around the buildings. So KFC it was! Can’t say I was disappointed! I LOVE that original recipe! But the best part of my caving to a craving was this ridiculous claim on the very bucket itself! “There are few problems a bucket of chicken can’t solve!” Stopped me in my tracks! WHAT?!! Much as I love fried chicken, I doubt it has EVER helped me solve a problem! Oh, it gives me a moment’s reprieve as I am distracted by its sensory satisfaction, but taste buds give way to digestion of all the fat, actually creating more problems! False advertising! But as I’ve thought about it, advertising for ALL products we use or consume are secretly making this exact claim… just not as blatantly as KFC! “THIS will be THE THING that finally fulfills that longing you have inside!” An exploitation of our human restlessness to fill a void in us that we can’t quite identify. (Want a hint? It is a God-shaped void!) Original recipe ain’t a gonna fill it! Nor will liquor, drugs, achievements, success, material acquisition, popularity or even the love of your life. Wasn’t crafted that way! Find the Crafter, (not the Colonel), and He will fill that craving. Then buckets of chicken will be just that… fun, but not falsely fulfilling!