As my bottles of medications I have to consume stack up, I find myself drawn to this picture. Not that I plan to dump all the prescribed meds in favor of healing music, but there is SOMETHING in a perfectly placed song that soothes my heart like nothing else! A sweet spot on the tennis racket of my soul! My ADD brain often gets pinballing around so erratically that I find it hard to focus on any quieting thought. BUT, a worship song airlifts me out of that chaos and transports me into Your very throne room, God! Somehow music bypasses my mental mechanisms that get me stuck in objective processing mode. And I am suddenly freed to just feel! Just enjoy. Just be swept along with the current of rhyme, rhythm and song! And “O what a relief it is!” So God, as I fill my daily pill containers with my meds, remind me to include this elixir bottle of miracle music to my healing regimen!