Reflections 1/5/2020: Yesterday I mustered up the courage to take my rehabbing knee for a walk outdoors. Still icy from recent snowfalls, but gloriously bright and compelling! The “call of the wild” was too great! I hate to admit it, but I have been uncharacteristically fearful of walking on ice since my surgery. I guess I took to heart their admonitions that a fall would be disastrous and didn’t want to risk going back into surgery. BUT I have HATED my wimpiness and downright fear. So NOT me! I even had to fill out a standard psychological profile for a physical recently and answer a lot of questions about falling and fear of falling, which, in the past I would have thought they were CRAZY for asking. But now I WAS their poster child for a fall risk! DANG! Sooo yesterday was a real victory for me! Faced my fear, strapped on my big girl boots and penguined off! Arms held wide, feet turned out and small steps to keep my weight over my knees! (Just needed a tuxedo to complete the penguin disguise!) And we did it God! You and me! Claimed Your promise that if I wait on You, “I could run and not grow weary, walk and not faint!” Knee is healing. Tummy is settling. Ruptured Baker’s cyst in my calf is loosening up… so all that needs to get in line is my confidence. So kick my butt, Lord, when I let fear freeze me from completing my recovery!

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