Happy 30th birthday to Miss Bryn Marie! My kiddos gave me a Mother’s Day gift of making a book out of my memories, answering questions emailed to me every week. (StoryWorth). The first question was remembering their births, so Bryn’s is fresh on my mind. 30 years ago at this exact time I was about to do hand-to-hand combat with my attending doctor in the hospital! Eastern European, she must have been trained by the Gestapo in her bedside manner. Abrupt, demanding… and even demeaning! She was determined to check my progress right smack bang in the middle of my labor contractions, and I was equally determined that she would wait for the break between them. It wasn’t a pretty sight! Ed, wisely stayed out of the fray! Luckily her shift ended early in the morning and a more compassionate doctor tag teamed her… allowing Bryn to be born peacefully (a bit of an oxymoron!) at noon on May 11th. What a gift she has been! The angel kiss on her forehead should have alerted me to what we had in our arms! “Sugar and spice and everything nice!”Thank You God for “Pinky Pearl!” (And of course for “Braundar” as well… even with his “snips and snails and puppy dog tails!”) Ed and I have been truly blessed!
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