Ed surprised me yesterday by buying new cushions for our chairs under the pergola. I think they are gorgeous, but wondered if the addition of the teal color clashed a bit with the material on our big lounger chair, (seen in the foreground.) The rust red works, but the teal? The more I ponder it the more I like it! I think the rust red and teal must be complementary colors to each other, adding more contrast and interest to the whole effect. God You added (or allowed to be added) a splash of “teal” in my life as well. (The color of ovarian cancer). I’ve been unsure of its “welcome-ness” to the color scheme of the fabric of my life, but now wonder if it has added more depth and breadth to my overall design. My walk with You has definitely broadened and deepened in the presence of teal. That perk alone is worth the infusion of this “unasked for” color! Soooo teal it is. (Actually a fascinating color!) And I will make the most of its complementary color impact to add depth and breadth to the fabric of Your Kingdom here on earth.
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