Reflections 5/29/2020: I was rudely awakened to a violent rapping on my 2nd story bedroom window this morning! (Not my picture… Ratso!) What the heck?! Peeking through the curtain I discovered a robin throwing her fragile body savagely into the window to demolish what she thought was another bird invading her potential nesting space in the pine tree outside the reflective surface! Even with my intrusive interruption of her territorial tantrum, she kept at it! I tried to explain to her that she was simply battling herself, but she couldn’t comprehend the physics of mirror imaging. I finally shoo’d her off to save her from any more self-inflected damage, but was struck by something familiar in her dire determination. Me… reacting to “stuff” in those around me that I dislike in myself! Reflective revelation! My defensiveness. My over-reactivity. My prejudices! My blind spots… mirrored offensively back in my face! Easier to slam against the window than to address my own issues. God, help me recognize those mirror moments and quiet my heart enough to own my own ugliness… and bring them to You. And thank you little robin, for this much needed, feathered life lesson!