Roo had his first close encounter with a raccoon last night! That masked marauder had the audacity to come right up to our sliding glass door and peer in like a peeping Tom! (Not my picture, but identical!) Shocked the heck out of all of us, Ed, Roo and me! “Private eyes are watching you, they see your every move!”
But his beauty flabbergasted me as much as his audacity! Such vibrant markings, distinctive mask, probing fingers, and intoxicating, striped tail! Roo touched noses with him through the glass, trying to figure out what it was. Not a squirrel or a bunny invading his territory… but something about his own size. Hmmm… friend or foe? I couldn’t really answer that either. As delighted as I was to see him up close, I knew that little rascal could wreck a lot of havoc on our house. Wood chewed to carve out a nesting place. Garbage raided and strewn about. Vivacious bites if cornered. Trips to the vet to patch up wounds on our precious pup. So, yes, I felt ambivalent about his presence. Lots of things in life strike me that way. Attractive at first, but destructive in the long haul. I guess it helps to get feedback from others who’ve had “close encounters” with whatever or whomever you are considering welcoming into your world. And be humble and open enough to honor that input. So masked marauder, thank you for your unexpected visit, but there is a “No Vacancy” sign up for your permanent residence!