Reflections 6/14/2020: Well Ed and I finally got with the times and watched the classic movie, “Thelma and Louise” last night. As I fell in love with the two wayward women, I felt super conflicted about their increasingly bad choices! (Like watching all the seasons of “Breaking Bad” in one fell swoop.) Dang! If they’d only confessed to the killing of that stupid rapist right up front, and faced whatever consequences that entailed, all the rest of their free fall into serous criminalhood would never have happened! And their fatal T-bird launch off the cliff would have been unnecessary! Makes me thankful for Your readiness to hear our honest confessions of wrongdoings Lord! We don’t need to carry that guilt and shame around like heavy baggage! We can own up to our “stuff,” be forgiven and learn from our mistakes! We can shut down Satan’s siren call into more sin to cover up our previous ones! As much as I loved Thelma and Louise’s spunk and dedicated friendship to each other, it broke my heart to see their epic ending. Death. Thunderbirds don’t fly! Help me Lord to be quick to confess my bad choices, own any consequences from those choices, and move on to new freedom to live wiser in the future!
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