Reflections 11/12/2020: Doesn’t look like much but Roo finds these errant threads and gnaws them into gaping, destructive holes in our carpet! Ahhhh!! I try to trim ANY such triggers back, so he doesn’t discover them, but the slightest edge sticking out is an invitation to launch his unraveling onslaught! My “no’s” deter him only as long as as my presence, then he is back on the scent to excavate those loose threads. As mad as I get at him, I just realized I do the SAME thing to You God! An inconsiderate comment from someone else, a perceived slight, or an unfair interaction and I am gnawing away at loose threads! Tearing them open in my mind and chewing deliciously on them to unravel a gaping hole! Your Holy Spirit tries to trim back those protruding edges with reminders of Your calls to love and forgive. “If I love people, I will be patient. I will be kind. I will not be jealous of other people. I will not be proud and say that I am great. If I love people, I will be polite. I will not just want to please myself. I will not quickly become angry. If someone does a wrong thing against me, I will not keep it in my thoughts.”

(‭‭1 Cor. 13:4-5‬ ‭EASY‬‬ BIBLE) Busted!! Caught chewing up the carpet again! Dang those protruding threads of thoughts! Perhaps if (unlike Roo), I can keep the awareness of Your Presence deeply in my heart, these “checks” of Spirit will deter me from getting swept up in my masticating obsession! And I will allow You to trim away these tempting edges… or at least not be tantalized by them. “Loose edges” happen… but they don’t have to unravel me!