Reflections 2/7/2020: Something about this feels like my life of late! I enter the ER with a diagnosis of “gallbladder malfunction,” (bad enough!), and exit 5 days later with the new label of “cancer patient!” What an upgrade! If I didn’t trust that You are in control, God, I’d be spittin’ mad! Especially since all of this has sabotaged the progress of my physical therapy on my still painful knee replacement! Went from being my therapist’s “Golden Girl” of success to, 🎶”Stuck in ‘Ol Lodi again.”🎶 (No offense Toni!) So, Lord, what’s the life lesson in this for me today? Hmmm… definitely being a patient patient. It’s not by chance that they are identical words… a noun and adjective, but not a verb. No action in that stance! Well… in some respects it should be a verb, because it DOES take a tremendous amount of energy to “be still and know that You are God.” Reminds me of holding a pose in yoga. Here are the benefits of that:
1. The strain builds strength and stamina…
2. Allows time for alignment, to adjust and to re-adjust. …
3. Opens up space for emotions. …
4. Stabilizes the mind and body…
WOW! How applicable is that for building flexibility and strength of spirit as well as body! So patient I will be! Breathing in trust in Your goodness, and exhaling doubts, fears and depression! Namaste! (Literally means, “I bow to You!)