Reflections 1/11/2020: Last night we did a chick flick run on the theater and taco shop afterwards. (Does it get any better than that?) Saw the new version of “Little Women.” LOVED, LOVED, LOVE it! So many heart-stopping lines in it that my brain was screaming for some processing time between them! One of them was when Jo, the “go-it-alone without a man” sister confessed to her mom that in spite of all the fulfillment of her writing ambitions, she was terribly lonely. Pretty much sums up our struggle as women. We WANT to succeed alongside of men in the workforce, and have the smarts to do so, but the relational pull of our estrogen-soaked bodies draws us hearth-ward towards home. We WANT to love and be loved! Having a profession can be done, but it is a tricky juggling match! In that post-Civil War era (and all of history preceding that), the problem wasn’t just a divided heart for women, it was an economic reality! Marry well, regardless of your heart, or live in squalor the rest of your life. Sooo glad that isn’t our dilemma anymore! We HAVE some personal power to engineer our own lives… and make our own choices! The playing field may still be somewhat inequitable in the workforce, but at least it now exists! So, little women (and Louisa May Alcott), thank you for paving the way to address thes questions and gender prejudices that have helped we women of future generations name and claim our legitimate place in the world at large!