I woke up this morning finding myself singing an old song from my childhood Sunday School days. “Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love”…
Blessed my heart to realize how formative that little song was to my grasp of You God! Simple… but laying a solid foundation upon which to construct the building blocks of my childlike faith. Made me wonder how life would have panned out if I hadn’t been exposed to You at an early age. What would have been my foundation? Confidence in my parents? My friendships? My country? Or maybe just in me? Why is that a scary thought? Hmmm… much as I like parts of me, I also know the downsides of myself. Fracture cracks of significant consequences in a foundation that is just me. Not a solid base upon which to build! Fun decor, but not a foundation! So Dad and Mom, thank you for dragging me to Sunday School all those years and being the general contractors in the construction of my faith that literally supports every aspect of my life! I would be crumbling now in this cancer hurricane without it!