Reflections 10/24/2020: Cold weather has set in and I am retreating under as thick of a blanket as I can find. All but incapacitated by goose bumps, or an inordinate fear of them! Don’t want to do anything but hide under warmth and weight. Total wimp! What is wrong with me God? Seasonal depression? Hibernation instincts? Excuses to just be lazy? My whole body feels heavy, and the penetrating warmth of a cozy blanket somehow hums life and hope back into every cell in my body! (And Roo relishes these snuggle times, so why get up?) BUT, life goes on on the other side of my efforts to insulate. I MUST cast off my cocoon to re-join humanity. Soooo God, remind me of Your callings for my life! Re-motivate my desire to serve You! Banish my irrational reaction to cold weather as I dig out my layers of Winter survival gear to face the freeze. Help me to see and appreciate the beauty of this changing season… that ALSO has a lot to offer if I just adjust my attitude! Help me peal off the bumper sticker on my heart that says “Always Summer” so I have room for new seasons in my life!