Reflections 7/28/2020: Got a “good news/bad news” phone call yesterday from my pharmacy. Good news first: a new drug has just been released into the market that has been shown to substantially reduce the 80% return rate of the exact kind of ovarian cancer that I have! Now the bad news: this drug only costs $1560 per month and I’d have to stay on it for at least 2 years. WHAT???? Who can afford that? Sorry Charlie… I ain’t goin’ for bankruptcy to lower my percentages! Give me a cheap placebo and a lot of prayer! At first I was shocked at this news… but then I made the conscious choice to give it all over to You God. Amazingly peace enveloped my whole body and I took a blissful nap. If I am meant to use this drug, You will make a way. If I’m not, my times are still securely in Your hands. “Perfect love casts out all fear,” and I DO believe Your love for me is “perfect.” VOILA! No fear!