Yesterday’s question I answered for building my memory book for my kiddos was, “What fads did you embrace growing up?” What a transportive question! Landed me back in elementary school watching friends rallying around all the latest and greatest contraptions… and, as the commercial challenged, “Be the first in your block to have one!” Creating that competitive, one-ups-manship spirit at an early age! “You’re not OK if you don’t own one of these things! And you better own it first!” At THAT time it was pretty simple, inexpensive items like a skip tape jump rope, a yo-yo, a Rock’emSock’em Robot, a slip ‘n slide, or Barbie’s latest outfit. NOW, it is an iPhone, PlayStation, motorized scooter or, for us adults… well, I won’t say so as not to offend anyone! Quite the price tags for staying in the driver’s seat of “fadism.” I think I inoculated myself early from this fad obsession when I caved to the pressure to buy a ring my older sister brought home from jr. high school that EVERYONE was wearing. It sported a purie marble the size of a golf ball that seemed absolutely magical! I HAD to have one! Saving my allowance for a month, I sprung for one, SURE that it was my ticket into “coolness!” To my dismay, it was so heavy and obstructive on my hand that I couldn’t play tetherball or ride my horse, or do any of the things I loved! I gave up wearing it within a week! Fun to look at, but it was DEFINITELY not me! So today’s quote became my guiding principle… even though my 5th grade self hadn’t conceptualized it quite so eloquently. And it has served me well over the years… not necessarily cool, but happy as a clam! And my soul DOES sing… especially when Your Holy Spirit is orchestrating the music!