Reflections 8/11/2020: Sarah Young’s devotional this morning captured the essence of this picture. “Come to Me. Come to Me. This is My continual invitation to you, proclaimed in holy whispers. When your heart and mind are quiet, you can hear Me inviting you to draw near. Coming close to Me requires no great effort on your part; it is more like ceasing to resist the magnetic pull of My Love.” This simple bench does whisper, “Come to Me!” There is a peculiar magnetic pull if I quiet my heart to sense it. Perhaps it starts with a gentle appreciation for the beauty of Nature. Allowing Creation to soak (or marinate, Molly), into the cells of our souls. But with a little contemplation, appreciation turns into a wooing awareness of a Creator behind the Creation. And a longing to know that Lover’s embrace. How I want my loved ones to feel that magnetic pull to You, Jesus! Jettison all the junk of established religion and just enjoy You! Benched! With all the blissful bennies that entails!