Reflections 1/5/21: Everyday I thank You God for my hair follicles that have come back to life after the onslaught of chemotherapy. I desperately want my long hair back! BUT getting there from bald requires traveling through unchartered waters! At least unchartered for me. Some scary transitions that I have no idea what to do with! Being a hard-core “DIY” gal, I have not yet graced the walls of a salon, (masked of course, Nancy Pelosi!), but I may be forced to soon. Seems counter-productive to have hair cuts when my goal is to rival Rapunzel as soon as possible! But maybe I am thinking about this wrongly. A little help here.  Break out the gel to slap down the weird spots? Straighten it (if I can get the flatiron to grab the ends)? Resurrect my array of hats to hide out in? Hmmm… “first world problems!” Get a grip Lynette! And be thankful the hair follicles are working at all! Just giggle your way through the “bad hair” transitions.