Reflections 4/3/2020: I guess the Batcave has too many goodies in it to be resisted! Ed has stocked our kitchen with all my favorite chips, cookies and cakes… none of which he is eating on his restricted diet. So have at it Lynette! Gotta plug some benefits of this chemo “adventure”… this being NO INTEREST in food at all! No threat of Batman’s quarantine weight gain! I’d like to attribute it to my incredible will power, but truth be known, it is totally chemo fueled! And I held true to my no food after 4:00 pm and had the most luxurious night’s sleep with zero gut explosions!! Hooray!!! No itching yet either! I feel like the Queen of Sheba! Thank You God! Help me to get down some good nutrition in my eating hours and I think I can make it through this crazy ordeal! Don’t want to look like an emaciated Batman either!