Reflections 1/27/21: First day on the Isle of Cancer. Got a honeymoon day! Compliments of the steroids they pump in as well as the chemo. I’ll TAKE IT! Feel like a little kid scampering on the beach in unabashed delight! No pain. No nausea! Lots of energy! Yesterday’s first infusion went perfectly! If you can call being captive to a chair for 6 1/2 hours “perfect.” George, my IV post and I waltzed to the bathroom at least 6 times as the fluids poured in and out! Even was served lunch with my chemo cocktail! Ed serenaded me much of that time with coffee, goodies, and laughter as he smoozed the nurses and other infusionists. He did escape for short stretches to “allow me to nap.” So God, thank You for this honeymoon reprieve… and answering sooo many prayers! Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Oh, come to think of it You do! I can relax in that!