Reflections 3/5/2020: This morning I am dancing along with Shania Twain’s, “I Feel Like a Woman!”  HALLELUJAH!!! Got my prison release from Itch Central yesterday, (as all of you had prayed)! Good bye barbed wire wrapped around my entire body for a month!! Just in time for my 2nd infusion! We talked the doctor into seeing the itch problem as systemic in my neurological system instead of superficially treating the nerve endings. She jumped on that and prescribed Gabapentin and Lorazepam to attack the problem at the source. And it worked immediately!! Adios itch! Don’t come back! Free at last!!! Got through the 2nd infusion with one small glitch of my neck and chest tightening up about half way through the last chemical. They stopped it immediately, gave my body some steroids and when we tried again it was fine. So here’s hoping (and praying) for my body to accept this new combination of chemo so I can get on this road to recovery! I realize plenty of side effects lie ahead, but at least I can face them without the barbed wire impediment! THANK YOU GOD for answering soooo many prayers of my warrior friends! Freedom from the life-sucking itch has given me new courage to face whatever lies ahead!