Reflections 1/6/21: Dang, if I check my email one more time for the pet-scan results to no avail, I think I will scream! Zippo! Ratso! Patience, my girl, patience! Today’s Sarah Young devotional needs to sink down deep into me. “Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me, to trust Me in the dark. The more extreme your circumstances, the more likely you are to see My Power and Glory at work in the situation. Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, try to view them as setting the scene for My glorious intervention.” WOWZERS! Talk about a paradigm shift! From impatient fear to expectant excitement! Not quite there yet, BUT I must say that prayers have kept the fear at bay! I’ve felt like I’ve been wrapped in a down comforter of protection from anxiety! A sort of 🎶 “que sera,sera” 🎶 acceptance of “whatever will be, will be,” without the existential resignation that can easily accompany it. I do detect a smidgeon of positive anticipation in the waiting. “What are You up to God? How are You going to use this for good?” Music crescendoes as “the scene is set for Your glorious intervention!” And I am at peace with whatever that “intervention” will be. It might not look like what I hope for, but I believe it is scripted by You. And that is enough! So mailbox, I will keep peering expectantly into you, but with a tad more patience when it is empty.