Reflections 6/4/2020: Couldn’t get this worship song out of my mind this morning. “Lord I offer my life to You, everything I’ve been through, use it for a Your glory.” Makes me cry to think about “everything I’ve been through” that you God, are now using for good. Redeemed pain! Takes the sting out of it so amazingly! I can clearly see how You’ve transformed past pain into something valuable, so it helps me trust You with my present pain. Yesterday at my chemo infusion they gave me my immune system status, which has fallen below the safe markers. In the midst of the Covid 19 scare, this is all the more a sentence for isolation. Ratso! Just as things are starting to open up too! “Isolation… the state of confinement, desolation, remoteness, exile.” But also “solitude, retreat and monkhood!” Gotta reframe what is often used as a punishment, to view it as a unique monastic opportunity to draw closer to You Lord, without worldly distractions. The kind of opportunity we humans rarely choose on our own! Sooo, “Lord I offer my solitude, being alone with You, use it for Your glory!”