I feel like I’m stuck in “no-man’s land” with my inability to get the COVID vaccine because of my ongoing chemotherapy. My oncologist has nixed that as an option until I finish in July. I’m super excited that the world is coming back to life with freedoms to move about, breathe without masks, socially embrace and get our economy back on track! BUT I’m not sure if it affords me these freedoms. Can I still catch COVID from people who’ve had the vaccine, aren’t themselves affected, but still carry the virus unbeknownst to them? The data seems very iffy on this point. Here’s the best I can dig up: “COVID-19 vaccination helps protect people from getting sick or severely ill with COVID-19 and MIGHT also help protect people around them.” Might? Well THAT’S reassuring! I feel like I’m stuck in a game of “Old Maid,” where as I pick a card from others’ hands, it can easily be that blasted, creepy old woman! I hate to be stuck with her this late in the game! Sooo what does that mean Lord? More isolation? Hmmm… probably. Help me to see it as prolonged “sabbatical” time with You. Here’s the definition of sabbatical: “any extended period of leave from one’s customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training.” OK. Makes the isolation purposeful. I can live with that! You and I have this dance down pretty well anyway. What’s another 3 months? “Nearer my God to Thee! Nearer to Thee!”