Reflections 8/1/2020: Funny, but perhaps necessary! Don’t want people misperceiving the situation and calling the police! I had to learn this anew yesterday. (No police involved!) The specifics are not important but the lesson was “communicate clearly, concisely and in a timely fashion. Make NO assumptions. Expect misunderstanding and plan ahead to trouble shoot for it!” (A lesson our POTUS would benefit from too!) Kinda hurt someone I love by my sloppiness. 🥺 Sorry God. My intent was pure. My delivery polluted. Makes me want to throw up my hands and give up on human communication! Also makes me extra thankful that You, God, hear my heart when my words fail me. AND kick my butt back into the arena of human interactions when I desperately want to hibernate into hermitage! Sometimes Aunt Edna IS wrapped up in that suspicious bundle (and I deserve being arrested), but when she’s not, and I STILL get pulled over, give me grace to explain the misperception!