I have found myself mouthing this popular saying, “It is what it is,” a lot lately as I come to grips with my reoccurring cancer. But each time I do I find myself feeling uneasy with that answer. Hmmm… why is that? So I looked it up to better understand the underlying message in this flippant response. Here’s what I found. “It is what it is is an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes CANNOT be changed and must just be accepted. Deal with it!” No wonder it sets wrong with my soul. It reeks of existential abdication to the random whims of an apathetic universe. “C’est la vie,” without the cute French accent. Not where I’m at! God, You are too present, caring and involved in details of my life to resort to this shrug of resignation! Regardless of “what IT is now,” IT doesn’t have to stay that way! Change can happen! Some due to my part in the process, and some due to Yours! That gives me hope! And the courage to plow through the seemingly unalterable “ITS” in my life! So even if I resort to this adage, “It is what it is,” may my trust in Your active love for me add, “But it is well with my soul.”
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