Reflections 7/12/2020: I finally gave up on jigsaw puzzling during this pandemic and resorted to this intricate beading artwork. There was too little reward ratio in finding puzzle pieces at the rate of one piece every 10 minutes! This endeavor, however, pays out generously at the rate of one bead every 5 seconds! (I obviously am a sucker for high frequency reinforcement schedules!) The amount of miniature beads to place in minuscule spaces would appear to be daunting… and boring… but it is so addictive that I can barely tear myself away from its repetitive action! (They say loco weed has this effect on animals who eat it… and refuse to do anything else until they die of malnutrition!) Gulp! BUT the saving grace is that as I place one seemingly insignificant bead at a time, and it slowly adds up to something beautiful, I picture my progress in my cancer healing in the same way. One day, one small step in the right direction at a time. It has enhanced my patience with the gruelingly slow process, reminded me that my baldness, isolating immune system, and nausea are not forever, and has helped me trust You, Lord, to be beading something beautiful in these small steps! Little adds up to lots! Thank You too for the moment-to-moment reinforcement schedule of Your Presence that propels me forward with hope and joy!