Reflections 1/2/2020: I was never a “blankie” person until I weathered a knee replacement. And it is not actually a full blanket that I drag everywhere… it is a large heating pad! It has become my lifeline to physical comfort! At one point, when my tummy hurt more than my knee, I broke out a second heating pad, and enveloped most of my body in heavenly heat! Ahhhhh!! As my pain subsides and my physical need for it diminishes, I am finding an unexpected reluctance to give it up! It has become my buddy! Not sure I can do life without it! (Ed is a little disconcerted with my dependence!) I GET you Linus (and Bryn!) The problem is that clinging to it ties me down… especially since it requires a cord attached to an electrical outlet. Healing only happens with mobility… so I must leave the warmth of my heating pad to get moving toward wholeness. I guess that’s the dilemma in any dependence or addiction. Letting go of something that SEEMED comforting, to gain something much healthier for you… and for those around you. Soooo Lord, be my internal, mobile heat, so I can continue the healing process, basking in the thermal glow of Your Presence… no cord required!