Saw my first Crocus bloom poking her head up through the snow the other day. (Not my picture) How the heck does such a delicate beauty even survive the Winter, much less choose to bloom in such harsh conditions?! Blessed my heart with hope! Even more than a groundhog checking his shadow, she is a sure sign that Spring is battling Winter back for her timely turn around the sun! Googled Crocuses up to learn more about them. Here’s what I found. “In the language of flowers, crocus means cheerfulness. It needs at least 6 weeks of hibernating in frozen ground to spark its Spring appearance. The stigma of the Crocus Sativus, gathered in tiny amounts, is the source of the most costly spice in the world, saffron.” WOW! So much more going on there than just a dab of purple erupting from the most inhospitable earth! “Cheerfulness!” I like that! I want that! So God, given my last 6 weeks of enduring inhospitable chemo, poke my purple head out to proclaim hope to those around me! And find a way to harvest costly spices from this arduous journey, stigma and all!