I know it’s not “popular” to talk about Satan. So passé and unsophisticated. But boy is he real in this world. Call him what you will… maybe even just a “force of evil,” but don’t underestimate him! He is sneaky, insidious, manipulative, conniving and always prowling our psyche for entrance points. Discontent being his favorite portal! That was Eve’s weak chink in her armor… focusing on the one thing she DIDN’T have instead of ALL that God had blessed her with. From that small opening, Satan convinced her God wasn’t truly good… that He was holding out His best from her. Sound familiar? This same progression of discontent leading to distrust happens in us all the time. Gratefulness replaced with grumbling. Soooo, as Barney Fife would say, “NIP it in the bud!” Give Satan ZERO opportunity with the “welcome sign” of discontent! Post a “No Fishing” sign at the water’s edge! We are soooo abundantly blessed! So “give thanks with a grateful heart
, and there will be no rotting fish stinkin’ up the joint!