This is not my drawing, nor will it ever be if I CAN’T learn to leave open spaces in my efforts. Something in me wants to fill in ALL the blanks! Attach all the lines. Define all the borders. And everything ends up looking like a solid, paint-by-number production. No room for imagination or “gestalt” interpretation. (A gestalt is a perception that allows your mind to see separate entities as combined into one form). If “the mouth speaks that which fills the heart,” my need for control draws that which fills my canvas. I think I will have to work on my control issues before my artwork can embrace those empty spaces. So God, let’s start with this cancer thing. I WANT assurances! This round of chemo will END this cancer saga! A DONE deal! But that is not how You roll. Or draw our lives. Lots of blank spaces for us to fill in with the gestalt of faith. Trust. Patience. Application of Your past faithfulness to fill in the present-tense blank stretches in our lives… in YOUR perfect way and timing. It really does makes for a more interesting drawing if I am honest. Paint-by-number renditions leave nothing to our imagination… or faith journey. Sooo blank spaces in my life, I embrace you as God’s artistry has its more interesting way.