Reflections 3/28/2020: OK God, how about a comprehensive syllabus of everything I need to learn for my cancer journey, so I can speed through it at MY fast pace and be done all the sooner! “Nope. Patience and trust are lessons that take time! No fast track for these virtues!” Dang! A friend gave me a book on forgiveness being an essential part of the healing process in cancer recovery. At first I was a little put off by the implication! Me harboring hate? But I thought, maybe it is YOU, God, who is nudging me to explore this realm. So I’ve started the book. I know what You are poking at God. And there ARE still hidden feelings of anger nestling in my efforts to put these offenses behind me. Soooo, this forgiveness chapter in my healing is more relevant than I first thought. Dang! Unforgiveness is as insidious as cancer cells! And the chemo treatment for it is just as painful. But together We will slog our way through these muddy waters to the shores of healing!
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