Reflections 4/5/2020: Poor Ed… this is his dilemma right now. Never knows when he walks into a room with me, WHO (or WHOM… never could get that right!) he will encounter! Which one of my cancer personalities will holding court at this moment? Cheerful, humming hymns Lynette? Sleepy, slovenly Lynette? Productive spurt Lynette? Nauseous, groaning Lynette? Or hurting but hopeful Lynette? He eases into the room and takes a temperature reading of my mood, then adjusts accordingly! Smart man! I hate being so mercurial but it goes with the chemo chemistry. Thank You God that Ed’s love for me supersedes my not-so-lovable multiple personalities! When I emerge from this kaleidoscopic craziness, help me to remember his incredible patience toward me, and return the favor when he is old and senile… needing gentleness instead of judgment!
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