Reflections 3/24/2020: Had to laugh at the absurdity of this sign on the shelves of accordions! Just posting a “limit” automatically triggers a “feeding trough” frenzy! What is it in human nature that triggers this mob mentality to grab and hoard items we might not ever even need? Insecurity? Passion to protect our families? Insulating ourselves from an unknown future? Seeing others as the competition… or worse, the enemy? Today’s devotional in Jesus Calling challenged me in all of the above.
“THIS IS A TIME in your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control. In order to let go of something that is precious to you, you need to rest in My Presence, where you are complete. Take time to bask in the Light of My Love. As you relax more and more, your grasping hand gradually opens up, releasing your prized possession into My care.”
Letting go. Entrusting. Relaxing. Doesn’t mean I don’t make daily choices to provide for myself or my family, but it does throttle down the panic and susceptibility to the mob frenzy! Maybe even quiets me enough for feel love and compassion instead of competition toward others. Are two accordions enough? (Maybe not in Ed’s Polish family, where he was forced to play an accordion in his family’s high hopes of him ascending into a polka band!)😉